Family Fall Vacation: Part 1

We really needed some time together as a family.  Life has been too busy & full of time-sucking-not-so-fun-things-to-do.

(Can you tell I like things to be laid-back & relaxed?!  I’m always complaining that things are “too busy”!)

So the boys had a few days off at the end of October & we decided to take a little family fun vacation!  Yay!

Day 1

Water-park!  I have no pictures…  We had a really fun time though!

Day 2

Visited a little market with a corn maze, corn pit, bouncy house, peddle carts, petting zoo, potato sling shots, etc, etc, etc.

corn pitcorn mazepeddle cartsrope mazepotato sling shot

Day 3

We were off to explore Minnesota’s St. Croix River Valley!

our family vacation

Visited Afton State Park, went hiking, Geo-caching, skipped some rocks, enjoyed nature.  We stayed in a hotel in Hudson, WI.  The boys were super excited to stay in a hotel, & it had a pool!

geo cachingskipping rocksboys overlooking bridgejumping on bed

To be continued…

(I’m breaking this into 2 posts since it is so picture heavy.)

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